My Story

Never have I been one who "knew what they wanted to be when they grew up." In fact, I have generally been quite the opposite. Personally, I like to think of myself as a butterfly. I thoroughly enjoy exploring and following curiosity as it navigates me to the unfolding of my life. For a large part of my life I have pursued education. I followed a long educational career, developing my skills in psychology and social work. Although these continue to be areas of interest and passion in my life, I am a lover of learning new things. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life! With that being said, I have since been exploring my path of curiosity toward photography. I am enjoying the process of developing myself as an artist. Currently I am developing my sense of style and preference. I hope you will find a way to join me along the way.


Happiness is the pursuit of what makes you come alive. Never stop exploring. Never stop learning. Never stop growing. Follow your curiosity and find your purpose.